Advanced Dentistry's payment processing service is hosted on a SSL-secure payment gateway portal to process payments securely. When submitted, our staff is notified via email and will update your balance within 24 hours. Please review the refund policy and proceed accordingly. Thank you.


Please call our office at 425-235-7900 for payments


Refund Policy: By making this payment, you agree the total payment amount are for services completely rendered. You hereby agree to waive your rights to refunds, charge backs, and disputes. All payment amounts reflect a mutually and verbally agreed amount encompassing all labor, processing, service, and other fees. In the event Advanced Dentistry is notified of an over-payment, the excess amount is refunded within 48 hours - Without notification, Advanced Dentistry will credit your account balance and apply it against the costs of future services. Your credit card statement will reflect  "Rochelle T.D. Nguyen DMD, P.S." Submitting a payment of any amount does not automatically imply that the full amount was paid. In such an instance, your payment will be recorded and the remaining balance will be updated in future invoices.